Japanese Week (AFC)

The Arthur Findlay College アーサー・フィンドレイ・カレッジ(通称 AFC)はスピリチュアリストのフィロソフィやサイキック、ミディアムシップ などを学ぶことができるレジデンス・センターとして歴史あるスタンステッド・ホールに滞在しながら第一線で活躍する講師陣の指導を受けることができる様々なコースを提供しています。


ジャパニーズウィークの内容につきましては、こちらをご覧ください(AFC Webサイト)→リンク

Richard Cuthbert
Appointments & Awards:
– Tutor of the Arthur Findlay College
– Minister of the Spiritualists’ National Union
– Assessor of the Spiritualists’ National Union (ASNU)
SNU Diplomas:
– Demonstration Evidential Mediumship
– Private Readings
– Public Speaking
– Teaching
– Assessing
SNU Certificates:
– Demonstration Evidential Mediumship
– Private Readings
– Public Speaking
– Teaching
– Assessing

To Japanese Students


  • 日本語 Japanese
  • 英語 English







リチャードが教える中で情熱を注いでいることのひとつは、生徒がスピリットの存在 – 自分自身の中とミディアムシップを通じて – を認識できるようにすることである。

To Japanese students


Some of you may know me already from when I worked on Japanese Week in July 2024, it was an immense joy for me to work on this week, so when I was asked to be Course Organizer for the 2025 Japanese Week I was delighted and honoured to accept this opportunity.

Having worked in mediumship for a long time, in teaching, demonstrating and private readings, I have attained knowledge and experience which I love to share with students.

To those of you who are joining us for Japanese week, it will be a pleasure to work with you and play a part in your journey of mediumship and spirituality. I am passionate about creating an atmosphere that creates a feeling of safety and inspiration for students to work, whether they are new on their journey or already experienced in mediumship and looking to further and enhance their abilities. I’ve also asked Tutors to work on this week who share my approach to and passion for teaching and mediumship, I know that together we’ll have great individual and collective experiences.

To those of you less familiar with me and my work, you may wish to read my Tutor profile from the Arthur Findlay College website: https://www.arthurfindlaycollege.org/tutors/richard-cuthbert/


Richard was first aware of his abilities at a young age and started his mediumistic and psychic development in his teens. He began working publicly in 1999, meaning that over half on his life has been, and continues to be, dedicated to his work and development as a Medium.
Richard is known for his sensitive approach to mediumship and teaching. He believes this sensitivity is one of the keys which helps him in the recognition of the needs of students, aiding him in being able to provide them with teaching, support and inspiration to reach their full individual potential.
In his role of connecting those on both sides of life, Richard recognises the essence of love, responsibility and need for an ethical and compassionate approach which underpins his work on all levels. He aspires to help others cultivate these qualities within their development.
One of Richard’s passions within his teaching is helping students recognise the presence of spirit – both within themselves and through mediumship.
Richard’s knowledge is backed up with extensive practical experience within the fields of demonstrating, speaking and private readings, and he delights in sharing this knowledge and experience with those he teaches. Richard is experienced in teaching those at all levels of development and experience; from those early in their development to those working professionally and towards certification and diplomas.



油井 智好 ABURAI Satoko

Official Web: Spiritual Event Company with el
Blog: スピリットからの果てしない愛 everlasting love from spirit
facebook: Satoko Aburai SEC with el
Instagram: everlastinglovea